Everything you need to know about the DoP

Everything you need to know about the DoP

 What is the DoP

After the entry into force of the European Legislation on construction products (CPR n° 350/2011), the fabricator will have to declare the levels of performance that can reach the frame and have a conformity certification CE marked.

The fabricator will therefore have to assume those responsabilities that concern the finished works, asking the producers of materials that declaration when the product is placed in the market.
The document must also be provided in the official language of the country in wich it will be distributed.

Main elements

The Declaration of Performance Fixtures demostrates the conformity of a window to European standards: it can be both paper and digital and must be supplied by the manufacturer to the applicant.

The main elements of which the DoP is composed are:
  1. Product identification code
  2. Number of type, lot, series
  3. Use of the product
  4. Name, registered trade mark and adderss of manufacturer
  5. Name and address of the authorised representative, if appropriate
  6. Product performance assessment and verification system
  7. Certification body
  8. Declared of responsability and signature
  9. Declared performance
Finally, the declaration also contains information on the certification system to which it refers and certifies both the performance of the product under certain circumstances and its characteristicd that make it safe (fire resistence and metallic strasses)

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